Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics

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Last updated: September 2024

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Actual sentence perspective see: Prague school
Agentive cognitive construction grammar
Agreement by correspondence
Agreement by projection
Alternative semantics
Appraisal theory
Articulatory phonology
Autolexical grammar
Autosegmental phonology
Bare phrase structure
Basic linguistic theory
Blending theory
C/edge linking
Canonical typology
Categorial grammar
Cognitive construction grammar
Cognitive grammar see: Cognitive linguistics
Cognitive linguistics
Cognitive Metaphor Theory
Columbia School
Commitment space semantics
Complexity theory
Conceptual blending theory see: Blending theory
Conceptual integration theory
Conceptual metaphor theory
Conceptual semantics
Construction grammar
Construction morphology
Context-free grammar
Contextual prosodic theory
Contiguity theory
Conversation analysis
Cophonology theory
Critical discourse analysis
Critical genre analysis
Cultural linguistics
CV phonology
CVCV phonology see: Strict CV phonology
Declarative phonology
Default semantics
Deliberate metaphor theory
Delineation semantics
Dependency grammar
Dependency phonology
Dependent case theory
Dependent type semantics
Diachronic construction grammar
Diachronic prototype semantics
Discourse representation theory
Distributed language theory
Distributed morphology
Distributed syntax
Distributional semantics
DRT see: Discourse representation theory
Dual linguistics
Dual route
Dynamic semantics
Dynamic syntax
Dynamic systems theory
Element theory
Embodied construction grammar
Embodied simulation theory
Emergent grammar
Entrenchment-and-conventionalization model
European structuralism see: Prague school
Event semantics
Exemplar theory
Exoskeletal model
Experimental phonetics/phonology
Experimental pragmatics
Experimental semantics
Experimental syntax
FDG see: Functional discourse grammar
Feature geometry
First phase syntax
Fluid construction grammar
Formal semantics
Frame semantics
Functional discourse grammar
Functional generative description
Functional grammar see: Functionalism
Functional sentence perspective see: Prague school
Garden path theory
GB see: Generative grammar
Generalized Quantifier Theory
Generative grammar
Generative lexicon
Glue semantics
Government and binding see: Generative grammar
Government phonology
Gradient symbolic representation
Grammar matrix
Harmonic grammar
Harmonic serialism
Head-driven phrase structure grammar
Historical construction grammar
HPSG see: Head-driven phrase structure grammar
Inherent case theory
Integrational linguistics
Interactional construction grammar
Interactional discourse analysis
Labeling algorithm
Language into act theory
Legitimation code theory
Lexical constructional model
Lexical functional grammar
Lexical mapping theory
Lexical phonology
Lexical priming
Lexical resource semantics
LFG see: Lexical functional grammar
Linguistic concept modelling
Linguistic determinism see: Linguistic relativity
Linguistic polyphony
Linguistic relativity
Local grammar
Match theory
Matrix language frame model
Matrix syntax
Meaning-text theory
Mental space theory
Mental-model theory
Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit
Metrical grid theory
Minimalist program see: Minimalism
MIPVU see: Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit
Model-theoretic semantics
Montague grammar
Multidimensional analysis
Multilinear grammar
Multimodal cognitive linguistics
Natural grammar
Natural morphology see: Transparency
Natural phonology
Natural syntax
Natural theory of language
Network morphology
Neural theory of language
Neurolinguistic programming
Optimal construction morphology
Optimality theory
OT see: Optimality theory
Paradigm function morphology
Parallel grammar
Parameter see: Principles and parameters
Pattern grammar
Phase theory
Phonology as human behavior
Phrase-linking grammar
Prague school
Precedence-free phonology
Principal Component Analysis
Principles and parameters
Processability theory
Prototype theory
Radical CV phonology
Radical minimalism
Relational grammar
Relational morphology
Relational network theory
Relative binarity
Relevance theory
Rhetorical structure theory
Role and reference grammar
RRG see: Role and reference grammar
Rule-based phonology
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis see: Linguistic relativity
Semantic interaction theory
Semantic mapping
SFG see: Systemic functional grammar
Sign-based construction grammar
Simpler syntax see: Parallel grammar
Situation semantics
Spell-Out theory
Stratal phonology
Strict CV phonology
Substance free phonology
Swadesh see: Lexicostatistics
Syntax first alignment
Systemic functional grammar
Systemic functional linguistics see: Systemic functional grammar
Systemic linguistics
Temporal focus hypothesis
Theory of matrices and etymons
Theory of mind
Theory of semantic blocks
Transformational-generative grammar see: Generative grammar
Tree-adjoining grammar
Turbidity theory
Type logical grammar
Universal grammar
Universal perceptual model
Universal spine hypothesis
Update semantics
Vector semantics
Whole word morphology
Word and paradigm morphology
Word grammar
X-bar see: Generative grammar

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