Online and print
Key features
Advisory board
Abstracting policy
Request for inclusion
History of the Linguistic Bibliography
Abbreviations used in LB
User Guide for LBO
Online and print
The online database
Linguistic Bibliography Online includes all bibliographical
references of the printed yearbooks 1977-present, as well as additional
materials which are exclusive to the online version (e.g. online
resources). New bibliographical descriptions on the latest linguistic
publications are added to the online database on a monthly basis. Annual
volumes of the
Linguistic Bibliography continue to be published in print by
Key Features
- Compiled, analyzed, and annotated by an international team of specialists
- Contains about 860,000 bibliographical references
- 2,000 new references added monthly, plus retro-digitized references made freely accessible
- References contain links to full-text and library services when available
- DOI links and abstracts increasingly available
- References to publications written in more than 150 different languages (translations and transliterations provided wherever necessary)
- Simple, full-text, and advanced search options
- Over 1,000 subject keywords and 4,000 language keywords (available in data from 2004 onwards)
- Save, print, and email functions available
- Citations are exportable in various formats
Subjects included in Linguistic Bibliography:
- All languages and language families
- Theoretical linguistics
- Biographical data on linguists (e.g. biographies, obituaries)
Publication forms included in Linguistic Bibliography:
- Books: monographs and edited volumes incl. Festschriften and conference proceedings
- Articles from journals incl. e-journals and open access
- Chapters from edited volumes
- Short research notes and squibs
- Reviews and review articles
- Bibliographies
- PhD dissertations
- Textbooks and handbooks catered to students
- Online resources
- Obituaries
- Dictionaries on lesser studied languages
- Primary sources and language documentation, especially of lesser studied languages, e.g. corpora, vocabularies
EditorsThe Linguistic Bibliography is edited by Anne Aarssen
and Eline van der Veken. To contact the editors, please send an email to
Linguistic Bibliography is made
possible by the valuable work of our contributing linguists around the world, who gather, compile and annotate
bibliographical references within their field of expertise.
Become a contributor.
Xosé-Afonso Álvarez, Alcalá de Henares
Portuguese / 2017-
Milica Anchevski, Skopje
North Macedonia / 1996-
Rogier Blokland, Uppsala
Uralic languages / 2005-
Johannes Bronkhorst, Lausanne
History of Indian linguistics / 1985-
Benjamin Brosig, Germany
Mongolian languages / 2003-
Sara Cardullo, Messina
Italo-Romance / 2024-
Maria Clara Diniz, Rotterdam
Korean / 2023-
Sofia Dmitrieva, Sankt-Peterburg
Russia / 2016-
Matthias Donners, Marburg
Continental Celtic / 2023-
Anna Aurelia Esposito, Würzburg
Middle Indo-Aryan / 2003-
Panagiotis Filos, Ioannina
Classical and post-Classical Greek / 2017-
Federico Gobbo, Amsterdam
Planned languages / 2013-
Tatsuya Hirako, Nagoya
Japan / 2015-
Andreas Hölzl, Potsdam
Tungusic languages / 2020-
Institute of Modern Greek Studies, Thessaloniki
Greece / 1999-
Carolina Julià Luna, Barcelona
Catalan / 2021-
Agata Kawecka, Łódź
Church Slavonic, Montenegro and Croatia / 2020-
Krystyna Kowalik, Krakow
Poland / 2018-
Ferdinan Okki Kurnawian, Jakarta Timur
Indonesia / 2020-
Emil Lafe, Tiranë
Albanian / 1993-
Bjorn Lichtenberg, Utrecht
Freelance Editor / 2024-
Carlos Molina Valero, Cáceres
Anatolian & Proto-Indo-European / 2004-
Modern Spanish / 2017-
Jurij Mosenkis, Kyjiv
Ukraine / 2004-
Dorina Onica, Ilfov
Romanian / 2022-
Evgeniia Osmova, Leiden
Freelance Editor / 2023-
Shota Papava, Tbilisi
Georgian / 2024-
Jana Papcunová, Praha
Czech Republic / 2000-
Ludwig Paul, Hamburg
Modern Iranian languages / 1992-
Lăčezar Perčeklijski & Nadelina Ivova, Blagoevgrad
Bulgaria / 2012-
Ivan N. Petrov, Łódź
Church Slavonic, Montenegro and Croatia / 2020-
Anja Pohontsch, Bautzen/Budyšin
Sorbian / 2013-
Fangzhe Qiu, Dublin
Irish, Manx / 2019-
Xosé Luís Regueira Fernández, Santiago de Compostela
Galician / 1993-
Eva-Maria Remberger, Wien
Sardinian / 2010-
Dominika Skrzypek, Poznań
North Germanic / 2021-
Daniela Slančová & Martin Ološtiak, Prešov
Slovak Republic / 1996-
Anna Stefan, Łódź
Slovenian / 2020-
Ágnes Stemler, Budapest
Hungary / 1996-
Jasna Vlajić-Popović, Beograd
Serbia / 1999-
Nina van der Vlugt, Leiden
African languages / 2020-
Andrew Wigman, Leiden
Freelance Editor / 2023-
Jiang Wu, Leiden
Freelance Editor / 2023-
Former contributors
Advisory BoardProf. Willem Adelaar (University of Leiden, The
Prof. Peter Austin (SOAS/ELAP, London, United Kingdom)
Prof. Bernard Comrie (MPI/EVA, Leipzig,
Prof. William Croft (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA)
Prof. Mark Janse (Ghent University,
Prof. Christian Lehmann (University of Erfurt, Germany)
Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique was
founded in 1946 by CIPL (Comité International Permanent des Linguistes/Permament
International Committee of Linguists) and continues to receive its support to this day. CIPL is an international
founded to assist in the development of linguistic science. It tries to
further linguistic research and to co-ordinate activities undertaken for
the advancement of linguistics.
Visit CIPL's
Linguistic Bibliography is published in print and online
by academic publisher Brill. Founded in 1683, Brill is a publishing house with a rich history and a
strong international focus. The company’s head office is in Leiden,
(The Netherlands) with a branch office in Boston, Massachusetts (USA).
Brill was listed at the Amsterdam Stock exchange in 1896. Brill shares
have been publicly traded since 1997.
Brill’s publications focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences,
International Law and selected areas in the Sciences.
Brill publications also include the imprints Brill | Nijhoff, Brill |
Rodopi, Brill | Hes & De Graaf and Hotei Publishing.
Visit Brill's
Abstracting policyAs of 2012, the
Linguistic Bibliography
Online includes abstracts and summaries in bibliographical descriptions of books and articles. This service to
our users is exclusively available in the online version of the
Linguistic Bibliography, i.e. abstracts do
not appear in the annual print volumes. Abstracts are displayed as they appear in the original publication, although
formats may be edited for technical reasons, and copyright remains with the author and/or publisher.
We are
much obliged to the publishers, organizations and journal editors providing abstracts free-of-charge and granting us
permission to display them in our online database.
Click here to view the full list of cooperating institutions.
Abstracting policy
As of 2012, the Linguistic Bibliography Online includes abstracts in bibliographical descriptions of books and articles. This service to our users is exclusively available in the online version of the Linguistic Bibliography, i.e. abstracts do not appear in the annual print volumes. Abstracts are displayed as they appear in the original publication, although formats may be edited for technical reasons.
We are much obliged to the following institutions for providing abstracts free-of-charge and granting us permission to display them in our online database. Copyright of course remains with the author and/or publisher.
- Austrian Academy of Sciences Press
- Bloomsbury
- Brill
- Buske Verlag
- Cambridge Scholars
- Cambridge UP
- De Gruyter
- Edinburgh UP
- Eisenbrauns
- Elsevier
- Equinox
- Gorgias Press
- Hempen
- Jagiellonian UP
- John Benjamins
- Kohlhammer
- Köppe
- Language Science Press
- LOT (Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap = the Netherlands National Graduate School of Linguistics)
- Maney
- MIT Press
- Narr Francke Attempto
- Novus Forlag
- Olms-Weidmann
- Oxford UP
- Peter Lang
- Peeters
- Rodopi
- Sage
- Steiner
- Uitgeverij/Editions De Werelt
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- Waxmann
- John Wiley & Sons
Springer Nature and Taylor & Francis (including its imprints Maney and Routledge) are withholding permission to display abstracts for their publications on Linguistic Bibliography Online.
Individual journals
- Alfa : revista de linguística
- American speech : a quarterly of linguistic usage
- Arkiv för nordisk filologi
- Caligrama : revista de estudos românicos
- Diacronia
- Dilbilim araştırmaları dergisi
- Estudos da língua(gem)
- Estudos lingüísticos
- Filologia e linguística portuguesa
- Fluminensia : časopis za filološka istraživanja
- Guavira letras
- Hrvatski dijalektološki zbornik
- Journal of Portuguese linguistics
- Journal of the American Oriental Society
- Linguistic analysis : a research journal devoted to the publication of high quality articles in formal syntax, semantics, and phonology
- Linguistic research = en.e.yen.kwu
- Lingüística : publicación de la = publicação da ALFAL
- Linguistica Uralica
- Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area
- Linguistik online
- Lusorama : Zeitschrift für Lusitanistik = revista de
estudos sobre os países de língua portuguesa
- Mundo Eslavo
- Papia : revista brasileira de estudos crioulos e
- Phonetica (Karger)
- Rasprave : časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje
- Respectus philologicus
- Revista brasileira de lingüística antropológica
- Revista de estudos da linguagem
- Semantics & pragmatics (Linguistic Society of America)
- Signo
y Seña
- Signótica : revista do programa de pós-graduação em
letras e lingüística
- Slověne : international journal of Slavic studies
- Slovenščina 2.0 : empirične, aplikativne in interdisciplinarne raziskave = empirical, applied and interdisciplinary research
- Slovo : journal of Slavic languages and literatures
- Studies in Chinese linguistics
- Suomalais-ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirja
- Synergies (GERFLINT)
- Tallinna Ülikooli Eesti Keele ja Kultuuri Instituudi Toimetised
- Textos en proceso = Texts in process
- Türkbilig : türkoloji araştırmaları
last updated 25-06-2019
Request for inclusion
To request the inclusion/indexation of a journal or
other type of publication in the
Linguistic Bibliography, please send an email with details of the
publication (URL if possible) to
All suggestions will be processed very carefully by the editorial staff.
Click here for more information about the
criteria for inclusion.
Request for inclusion
The Linguistic Bibliography indexes publications on language and theoretical linguistics aimed at an academic audience of linguists.
Publication forms included in
Linguistic Bibliography:
- books: monographs and edited volumes incl. Festschriften and conference proceedings
- articles from journals and chapters from edited volumes, incl. short “research notes”
- reviews and review articles
- pre-conference publications
- working papers
- biographical data and obituaries
- bibliographies
- PhD dissertations, especially on lesser-studied languages or subjects
- online resources
- primary sources and language documentation, especially of lesser studied languages, e.g. corpora, word lists
The following subjects are
not prioritized for indexation:
- Applied linguistics
- Literary studies
- Philology
- Codicology
- Pedagogy
- Translation studies
Publication forms
not included:
- conference reports
- unpublished or self-published materials
- Bachelor or Master theses
- editorial notes, letters to the editor, etc.
The editorial staff is always happy to consider any suggestions or requests for inclusion. Please send an e-mail with details of the publication (URL if possible) to While online access is preferred, print copies of books and journal issues are appreciated as well and may be sent to the following address:
Linguistic Bibliography
PO Box 9000
2300 PA Leiden
The Netherlands
All suggestions will be processed very carefully indeed.
History of the Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie LinguistiqueThe idea of compiling a linguistic bibliography was conceived in 1946, at the sixth meeting of the CIPL (Comité International Permanent des Linguistes/Permament International Committee of Linguists) in Paris. The bibliography would cover linguistic publications of the previous years in order to re-establish international contacts between linguists which had been interrupted by World War II. Linguists from ten different countries contributed to the first volume, which was the responsibility of Prof. Christine Mohrmann, who soon entrusted the work to Jan Beylsmit. In 1948, the newly founded UNESCO agreed to make a financial contribution to each volume, which would cover the printing costs. In 1949, the first volume of the
Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique (LB) was published by publishing house Spectrum (Utrecht, The Netherlands).
From then on, new volumes of the LB yearbook were published, first with Spectrum, then with Martinus Nijhoff (1980-), Kluwer (1988-), Springer (2005-), and finally Brill (2008-). From 1983, the LB staff were housed in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands), where an online bibliographical database was developed. The
Linguistic Bibliography Online (LBO) was launched in 2002 and contains all bibliographical references from 1993 onwards.
Today, the
Linguistic Bibliography print volumes and online database are published with Brill (Leiden, The Netherlands), and are compiled by two in-house editors and some 40 contributors from all over the world. The print volumes continue to appear annually and
Linguistic Bibliography Online is updated monthly.
Abbreviations used in LBClick here to open a pdf with English, French, German and Russian abbreviations used in LB.
User Guide for LBOClick here to open a pdf User Guide specifically for LBO.